Thursday, September 3, 2015

Yes, You Can Can!

If you like to can, it's a great time right now in Eastern Carolina. Last week the figs ripened, this week the pears and the wild scuppernong grapes. If you have never had wild scuppernong grapes you are missing out - they are the bomb! My pantry is starting to fill up with home grown, home canned fruits and veggies.

It's exciting, really. I'm glad I'm pushing myself to dust off the canning books and to get in the kitchen and do something really healthy for my family. Searching for canning recipes in some of my vintage canning books is really fun too. I love reading the old pamphlets and cookbooks. They have lots of great old recipes and good information in them that is still relevant today.

Since we didn't get into our place until late July, we didn't have a chance to put in a summer garden. We ended up buying corn from our local farmers market to can and to freeze. I also found a fantastic sale on carrots at our grocery store and we canned about 10 pounds of those too. So, just because you haven't actually grown anything yourself, you can always find vegetables at your local produce stand or market. You can can!

Anyway, I know that it may not seem like much, but it's a start until our fall garden comes in. And speaking of the fall garden - I really am going to need A LOT more canning jars!

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