Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Those Damn Guineas

The other day, there was a huge Blue Heron sitting on the roof of our house. He was watching our guineas as they walked down our driveway. I'm pretty sure he was trying to figure out what they were and why they were so noisy. Good luck with that.

Speaking of noisy, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure (?) of hearing the sound guineas make, it's a combination of a screech mixed in with what sounds like the words "buck wheat". Throw in some clicking noises for good measure, and you pretty much have it.

Every morning we let the chickens and guineas out of the coop and into the run. The guineas promptly fly out (which is what they are suppose to do). Unfortunately they entice the chickens to fly out too. Then they take them on, what we call, "a walk-about". I have a feeling that our neighbors call it something else. We finally had to clip the chicken's wings. Guineas are trouble makers.

We have that one guinea. She is louder and more obnoxious than the rest. I looked at her the other day and realized that she looks just like Phyllis Diller. Sometimes they just name themselves.

Out of our 6 guineas, we ended up with 5 females and 1 male, which we named Wallace J. Guinea-keet. Wally for short. He is the only male in the hen house. The other day I happened upon an article online about how guineas and chickens can mate. Their offspring are called "Guin-Hens". If you want to see ugly, google that.

Pookie and I were outside watching the flock the other day. We had let them out of the run and they were all having a large time walking around the yard. Something spooked one of the guineas, and mass pandamonium ensued. Pookie looked at me and said "I wish we had never gotten those damn guineas. They are a mess!" I said "I know. Aren't they great?!"

~Sue Sue