Wow. Where did summer go? Today is the last official day of summer, tomorrow fall will make it's entrance, and, before you know it, winter will be here. Let that sink in for a moment.
All and all our fall garden is doing good. We could use a few days of rain, but things seem to be coming along. (See picture at bottom). Hopefully by next summer we will have water out by the garden so we won't have to dip from the pond during dry spells. Dipping from the pond pretty much is a chore.
As I write this, I have 5 trays of bananas in the dehydrator. I have no idea how they will turn out or what I will eventually use them for, but I will have them anyways. I hope to do apples next, now those I have plans for!
One evening a month, I head out to a local tea room, owned by my friend Libby, and meet up with 11 other ladies, most of which are fellow dingbatters. We are the local Bunco team and we call ourselves "The Mad Hatters". Bunco is a very hard game to describe but easy to pick up on once you sit in. It's kinda like dice on steroids and it's a pure blast, plus we get to eat a great meal and drink some delicious tea. Oh, and if you're lucky you get to win money. It's the social highlight of our calendar.
If anyone out there wants to learn more about herbal remedies or uses, I highly recommend Rosemary Gladstar's book "Medicinal Herbs, A Beginner's Guide". I can't wait till spring so I can get started planting my herb garden.
On a sad note, for the past couple of weeks the turtle we called "ET" had been missing. He was the first to come in the afternoons when we called, and would actually come part way out of the water to meet us. Over the weekend I found him dead up on the bank on the other side of the pond. Hubby buried him out under one of the cottonwoods. We have no idea what happened, but hubby said that his shell looked a bit deformed. Believe it or not, we miss him.
Well, guess I had better go get ready for my big evening out. Wish me luck - Mama needs a new pair of shoes!!!! LOL!